Thursday, January 8, 2015

WF#13: Whales Vs Dolphins Part 1: Taxonomy

 Ok whale fact groupies... Can I call you that? Probably not...

Anyway this is a confusing one. Whales Vs Dolphins? This is where science gets hard. Everyone says something different. Here's how I see it...

But there are many different sides to consider, so this will be in a few different parts. Here's Part 1: Taxonomy. I'll post Part 2 soon, which is loosely going to be "How Marine Biologists Talk." I know, catchy right? Not really it's horrible.

Sorry for the rambling. Enjoy and I'll catch you later.

[p.s. Yes, I drew that. It took all day. It took even longer to write out the classifications legibly. And for those of you who've asked, yes, these facts all come from the top of my head, but then I always fact check them, mostly for spelling.]

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